Offer For Sale

Invest in top 200 companies by Market Capitalisation

Offer For Sale (OFS) is a method of share sale through the exchange platform for listed companies. Shareholders holding more than 10 percent of the share capital in a company can sell or dilute their existing shareholdings through an exchange based bidding platform.

Who can Participate?

Individuals, Companies, Qualified Institutional buyers and Foreign Institutional Investors can invest via this route.


Minimum Investment

The minimum investment is limited up to Rs 2 Lakhs for retail investors.



Good Opportunity

There is a 10% quota for reserved retail investors and at discount, occasionally.


Done on real-time basis with a system based bidding platform, the process is transparent.

Multiple Orders

There is no restriction on the number of bids from a single buyer, above floor price.

Faster and Paperless

OFS is an online process and shares are allotted in T+1 day.

How to Participate in OFS?