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Limits Available

Combined limits Equity

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Combined limits commodity

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Source of limit (Credit)
Cash Balance 0.00
Notional Cash Credit 0
Collateral Value 0.00
Direct Collateral 0.00
Pay In Amount 0.00
Ad Hoc Margin Credit 0
Net Delivery Sell Amount 0.00
Net Premium Receivable 0.00
Booked Profit on Margin Positions 0
Utilisation of limit (Debit)
Notional Cash Debit 0.00
Ad Hoc Margin Debit 0.00
Net Delivery Buy Amount 0
Brokerage Present 0.00
Unrealized Loss (MtoM) on Delivery Positions 0.00
Margin Used for Cash Segment 0.00
Margin Used for CO/BO 0.00
Span Margin (Futures & Options Portfolio) 0.00
Exposure Margin (Futures) 0.00
Net Premium Payable 0
Booked Loss on Margin Positions 0.00
Unrealized Loss (MtoM) on Margin Positions 0.00
Requested Payout 0.00
SGB/ ETF/ NCD/ IPO Amount 0.00
Delivery Margin Present 0.00
Source of limit (Credit)
Cash Balance 0.00
Notional Cash Credit 0.00
Collateral Value 0.00
Direct Collateral 0.00
Pay In Amount 0.00
Ad Hoc Margin Credit 0.00
Net Premium Receivable 0.00
Booked Profit on Margin Positions 0.00
Utilisation of limit (Debit)
Notional Cash Debit 0.00
Ad Hoc Margin Debit 0.00
Net Delivery Buy Amount 0.00
Brokerage Present 0.00
Margin Used for CO/BO 0.00
Span Margin (Futures & Options Portfolio) 0.00
Exposure Margin (Futures) 0.00
Net Premium Payable 0.00
Booked Loss on Margin Positions 0.00
Unrealized Loss (MtoM) on Margin Positions 0.00
Requested Payout 0.00
Mutual Fund Amount 0.00
Additional Margin (Future & Option) 0.00
Additional pre expiry Margin (Future & option) 0.00
Tender Margin (Future & Option) 0.00
Delivery Margin (Future & Option) 0.00
Special Margin (Future & Option) 0.00
Delivery Margin Present 0.00