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Select Bank

Mandate Type

Electronic Mandate Instruction

  • Please complete the online registration of your SIP by registering the above URN in your registered bank website within 7 days and steps to be displayed :
    • Login to your bank website
    • Select the Biller Pay or Biller registration section
    • Select AMC from the Biller List
    • Enter the URN number generated above.

Online Mandate Instruction

  • You will now receive a link from BSE. Click on the link & follow below given steps :
    • Select Net Banking/Debit Card as mode of payment.
    • Enter your bank/debit card credentials.
    • Validate the transaction.
    • Post validation of transaction, you will receive message from BSE.
    • Mandate will be approved in 3 - 5 days.

Physical Mandate Instruction

  • You need to sign the mandate form and submit it to nearest branch View branch
Mandate ID Amount (In ₹) Status Mandate Approve Date
Created On
Created By Type Bank Name Action
Mandate ID Amount (In ₹) Status Mandate Approve Date Created On Created By Type Bank Name

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