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Losses are in common to trades and are mostly impulsive but not unavoidable. Your apprehension to get into the market is justified; nonetheless, think about the potential profits this very volatility can reward you with. Even the most evolved trader’s predictions (better yet, analysis) can flaw since that is how the stock exchange is. Stop-loss is a common term but to execute it in a right way is important and that is exactly what we discuss here.
Stock market is greatly hot-blooded and can rapidly reverse without any notice. This can be due to a variety of reasons, two most significant being:
Understanding market is linked with precise determination of stop-loss since if you can read the signs, you somehow tip-off on the future to protect your capital.
A stop-loss order is a buy/sell order that is to be placed with the broker to sell the securities and close out the position at a certain price. In the stock market, stop-loss order helps investors & traders in limiting losses to a price in case if the market moves in the opposite direction.
For instance, if you’ve purchased a stock at Rs. 1000 and to limit your loss at Rs. 900, you can place a stop-loss order with your broker to sell the stock as soon as the price comes down to Rs. 900. Once the stock price reaches this level, the order will be triggered and you will automatically exit the position.
There are two types of stop-loss orders in the share market:
You have a buy position at Rs. 1000 and you want to place an SL at Rs. 900.
When placing the Stop-loss limit (SL-L) order, you will mention a price and a trigger price to specify limit or range of the stop-loss. Let’s assume, you set a limit of Rs. 30. Here, your trigger price is Rs. 900 and limit execution price is Rs. 870. The SL limit order will be sent to the exchange and your position will be automatically squared off once the price falls in the range between you specified.
In using a Stop-loss market (SL-M) order, the investor will only need to mention the trigger price in order to square off his/her position once its break the trigger price. Once you place the SL-M order with the broker, the order will be sent to the exchange and you will be closed out of your position at market price.
You have a sell position at Rs. 1000 and you want to place an SL at Rs. 1100.
In using a stop-loss limit order, you will mention a price and a trigger price to specify limit or range of the stop-loss. Since your order needs to be triggered first, the trigger price should be smaller than or equal to the limit price. Let’s assume you set a limit of Rs. 30 where your trigger price is Rs. 1100 and limit execution price is Rs. 1130. The SL limit order will be sent to the exchange and your position will be automatically squared off once the price falls in the range between you specified.
With a trigger price of Rs. 1100, a Stop-loss market order will be sent to the exchange and you will be closed out of your position at market price.
Stop-loss strategies can help investors and traders from holding their losing investments too long by automatically closing out the position and thus reduce investment risk. Often it has been seen that many investors and traders hold onto their losing investments too long and sell their winning ones too soon. Such behavioural tendency is highly risky for investors and the use of stop-loss strategies can help in selling losing investments and realize looses sooner.
To protect investments and limit the risk, one shouldn’t place stop-loss at a random level. One must find a place where the market has enough room to fluctuate while it starts to move in your favour and get your out of the trade if it moves against you.
First you need to have a plan. Traders who delve into the stock market without any methodical study are more likely to get caught in its volatility and bear significant losses. Post defining a strategy, it is important you set an expected accuracy rate and determine your risk-bearing attitude per trade basis.
You should avoid risking majority capital on any one trade.
List out securities and analyze stock performance based on market movements in the past by using defining tools like oscillators and histograms.
Examining monthly and yearly graphs is important for long term investment ambitions, while for successful trading, it is imperative that you analyse the daily volatility of a particular financial instrument carefully.
The easiest method is by defining the resistance and support levels of the stock. It is determined by calculating the highest point to which the stock has risen (Resistance Level) and the lowest point to which the stock has fallen (Support Level) within a duration (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc).
Moving Averages are used to calculate support and resistance levels more accurately. This average keeps moving with the current date. Set your stop-loss at 1-2% of the average value.
This is based on how long a trader is willing to hold a trade. In this feature, if a particular stock is not performing as expected, you can exit and get into another profitable trade.
These lock-in profits. Execute ‘Stop-Up’ to book profit and/or a ‘Stop-Down’ to prevent loss. Here, the price moves in the direction of trade.
In a more advanced trade setting, Option Trading is gaining significant exposure owing to its flexibility in trading a stock at an exact rate with certain timeline boundaries (and limitations nonetheless).
While keeping these points in mind will assist you in determining where to set the stop-loss, it is important to note that no two trades are alike and diverse factors govern different trades. Continuously evaluate and analyse the trade for a good trading judgement.
When placing an order for trade, you need to select a product code to identify the category of the order. There are multiple product codes, namely:
What is Bracket Order ?
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